Monday, October 5, 2009

VIDEO - ALL KILLER! NO FILLER! Recap x RAtheMC interview

This was a great time and I had a BLAST. The performance by RAtheMC was just nasty --- I mean her whole aura was just DOPE. You just have to be happy for anybody trying to put on Washington, DC that's actually really good. All the DJs were on point and I honestly don't think I heard one bad mix, but that's my opinion. If you hear otherwise, I'm trying to tell you now, they were not there. The crowd was really diverse and it felt like there was a little bit of everybody there. I am sure that the next ALL KILLER! NO FILLER! will be just as good if not better.

I had the great privilege of interviewing Washington, DC's next upcoming artist, RAtheMC. I can't say enough good things about the vibe she brought to the stage and how honest and real she was with me during our interview. I really see a bright future for RAtheMC and her skills as an emcee should not be slept on by any means.

Before you leave...

Peep the latest #RAtheMC Trending Topics

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